VHF/UHF/SHF Tropo System
I’m currently only QRV on 144MHz, 432MHz and 1296MHz tropo.
Tropo System;
- Replaced coax from chack to tower now using 7/8″ with 7/16 connectors
- LMR600 in tower for 144 and 1296MHz and LMR400 for 432MHz
- LNA at feedpoint for all three bands
- TS-2000X, Elecraft K3 + transverters
EME Systems;
- 4 x 11 YU7EF0211B on 144MHz
- 4m solid dish on 1296MHz and 10GHz
Old cable canals installation made by proffesionals (expensive!), useless.
New installation. Two big canals replaced with six smaller.
Three canals per tower.