4m solid dish made for 11GHz SAT TV by the Swedish company Parabolic (SM6CKU, Ben)
Kumar feed scaled from 10368 MHz (original paper by SM6FHZ/SM6PGP)
RX: 1dB NF converter down to 1296MHz, locked to a Rubidium reference
IF RX1: DVB-T+DAB+FM simple £7 dongle on the Bay, HDSDR SW
IF RX2: DB6NT HB transverter to an Elecraft K3, SW Spectran
Local oscillator multiplier x24 and x4 are a gift from G8ACE, John Hazell.
My first received signal from Satellite Stereo B 2014-01-31. The missing part in the trace is when I turn the dish 0.3 degree off to verify that he signal is from Stereo B.
Converter 8232 – 8572MHz to 1296 MHz
Stereo B as received 2014-02-02